Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Linda Bohrn and Phyllis Lyman Donations

I and my mother donated:
26 hats
1 pair mittens

I have several hats still on the needles and hoping to get them done this weekend, otherwise they will be the beginnings of next years donations.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lorraine Lary and Jan Dempsey Donations

Today I received a box of donations from Lorraine Lary and Jan Dempsey:
11 pair slippers
40 baby hats
13 child hats

Thank you so much.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Leslie Carr Donations

Leslie donated 2 scarves.

Thank you.

Chris Davis Donations

Chris Davis donated 8 hats.

Thank you.

Tammy Powley Donations

Trying to catch up on a few boxes I received.

Tammy donated 7 hats and 5 scarves.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Virginia Usnick Donations

Just received a box yesterday from Virginia. She sent:
3 hats
1 pair of gloves
1 scarf
1 pair of baby slippers and
10 pair of knitted slippers
Thank you so much Virginia for your time and talent in creating these donations.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Additions received in July - August

It has been a wild summer with a niece having heart surgery, step father having disks removed from his spine and then my Mother being in the hospital for about a week. Granddaughter has gone home to begin school so I now have a moment to post what I received this summer. Some of these are from a group, Crochetlist Crochet Along (CLCAT) on yahoo groups. They sponsered this charity for a month.

Jean Martin: 3 hats (CLCAT)
Beth Parsons: 5 hat and scarf sets (CLCAT)
Kathleen Scott: 3 hats and 3 pair of slippers
? Lewis (MA): 5 hats
Jackie Larson: 16 pair of slippers, 2 pair mittens and 2 hats

I know there are more to post and will post them soon.

Thank you everyone for the donations.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Theresa Gilmer Donations

Theresa Gilmer from Illinois donated 7 scarves and 3 hats. They are in the older child size which we are very short on. Thank you so much. They will be loved by the child that receives them.

Lorraine Lary Donations

Lorraine Lary from California donated a box with 61 baby hats enclosed. They are so cute. Thank you.

Jackie Larson Donations

Jackie Larson sent a box with a cute baby hat and bootie set and 10 pair of crocheted slippers. She used a pattern at craftown.com. I'm going to have to check this pattern out. Thanks for the donations.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Linda's Lists has officially moved to a new url

With Geocities going down later this summer I decided not to wait and lose everything I created so I have moved my entire site to a new location including all my patterns and recipes.
My new url is:


I will be updating this new url and will no longer update the old one. I will be dropping the old site at Geocities the end of June to give people a chance to update their links.I enjoyed working with Geocites but now am looking forward to working with this new company. I still have the increased bandwidth so people can be able to access my patterns and not see error messages when downloading patterns. There area few links I need to update but otherwise, everything is there and working great.I'm looking forward to an even bigger and better website for all.

Linda Bohrn

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Donations from Jackie Larson

Just received another package from Jackie Larson from Crisfield, MD. She donated:
7 pair of slippers.
I love the fish slippers.
Thank you so much.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Donations from Jackie Larson

Jackie Larson from Crisfield, MD donated:

1 pair of booties and 3 darling baby hats.

Thank you. I love the hearts and braids.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Donations from Virginia Usnick

Virginia Usnick from Las Vegas Nevada sent a box full of donations. In the box she included:

15 pair of slippers
1 scarf
scraps of fleece

Thanks again Virginia for your continued donations.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Donations from Marcia Clark

Received a box from Marcia last week. She donated:

12 pair of slippers
2 baby hat-mitten sets
3 child hat-mitten sets
1 hat
1 pair of mittens

Thank you so much. I really enjoy just sitting and looking at the love that has gone into our donated items and appreciating the time and heart that went into every stitch.

Donations from Rose Meyer

Rose sent a package that arrived in December after my Mother delivered the donations for 2008 so I decided to place them in the donations for 2009. She donated:

2 skeins of green yarn
Christmas wrapping paper
8 pair of slippers
3 hats

Thank you so much for your help. We are off to a good start.

Steven's Comfy Toes Delivery for December 2008

All of the donations that were received were delivered to the White Pine County Santa's Elves program to help make children warmer this winter. So many have been hard hit by the economic changes in the world yet they still donated slippers, hats, scarves, mittens and skeins of yarn. I didn't get a picture of the donations but there were several big black plastic bags to deliver. I've already seen several of the hats and mittens on children in the store. I just smiled knowing that this is the face of a child we have helped keep warm. I am going to scan a copy of the letter to post for all to see. One of my resolutions this year is to post the donations one my blog like I originally planned on doing in the first place, then life changed things. thank you to everyone for helping keep a child warm, especially since last night we received over a foot of snow in one night. It is think, wet and deep. We haven't had a storm like this in a while and there is still more to come today and tomorrow.